April 2019





$13 for Davedi members,
Ladies Auxiliary members

President’s Message

Spring time energy is here again at the club with renovations started to the Culture Room. With a facelift and the large screen entertainment unit, this will be a great space for small cultural events and rentals.
There are many opportunities for member involvement. Please read the bulletin and come out to support events at your Italian/Canadian club.

Vince Orlando,
Davedi Club President

Ladies Auxiliary


With the arrival of Holy Week, I’d like to extend best wishes to all for a blessed and joyous Easter. If we are among those who celebrate this holy day let us be mindful and give thanks to God for the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus, who, because of his unconditional love, died for our sins, that we might have eternal life.


Questa, la settimana Santa, vorrei prima esprimere i migliori auguri per una Pasqua benedetta e gioiosa. Se siamo tra quelli che celebrano questo santo giorno, dobbiamo essere consapevoli e rendere grazie a Dio per l’ultimo sacrificio di Gesù, che, a causa del suo amore incondizionato, è morto per i nostri peccati, affinché possiamo avere la vita eterna.


I’m pleased to report our March Spaghetti Supper was a great success and we look forward to an equally successful one to be held Sunday, April 28th. Come out one and all!


Sono lieta di annunciare che il nostro Spaghetti Supper di marzo è stato un grande successo e speriamo di avere una cena altrettanto riuscita la domenica il 28 aprile. Vieni fuori tutti!
A special word of thanks to Anne Bentley, a guest at our April meeting.


She led us in easy, but beneficial, chair and stand up yoga stretches/movements. A wonderful way for us to re-energize and end the evening. A significant number of the ladies expressed an interest in the possibility of future yoga classes; this is something we will look into. Stay tuned.


Voglio ringraziare ad Anne Bentley, ospite del nostro incontro di aprile. Mentre che erravamo seduti ci ha guidato a fare movimenti di yoga, facile pero benefici. Un modo meraviglioso di ri-energizzare e concludere la serata. Un numero significativo di donne ha espresso interesse per la possibilità di future lezioni di yoga; questo è qualcosa che esamineremo. Rimanete sintonizzati


Nancy Connor,
Ladies Auxiliary President



Award Winning Italian movie:

The Talented Mr Ripley. In English. Filmed in Italy. “With Matt Damon’s unsettling performance offering a darkly teisted counterpoint to Anthony Minghella’s glossy direction, this is a suspense thriller that lingers.” www.rottentomatoes.com
Other films in the series: May 31 A Great Beauty. June 28 A Special Day. Italian language films with English subtitles.


Do you like to sing? Are you interested in learning to sing Italian songs with Italian words? Want to sing with other family members and or friends? The Davedi’s VERDI CHOIR is looking for you. We have an intergenerational choir on Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8 pm at the Davedi Club under the direction of Christine Saini. There is no cost involved to join and this choir is open to everyone in the community. 

Comedian Joe Cacchione: June 1 2019.

5.30 cocktails, 6.30 pasta dinner. 8.00p.m. show. Dinner and show $20.00.
Once he realized that everything should be taken with a sense of humor, being a comedian made sense. Joe Cacchione quickly realised that he was destined to be on stage and make people laugh, despite his parents’ countless efforts to lead him back on a more righteous path.What was the result? His career as a comedian coexists with his career as a high school principal… now that’s a trick in itself! His irresistible jokes have the ability to play down life’s problems whether performed in French, English, Italian or Spanish. Crowds of over 2000 people have attended his shows in Canada, the United States, France, Venezuela and Cuba with great enthusiasm. He will perform in North Bay in Italian and English as he does in the Italian Festivals in Toronto and Montreal.

Sandro Cipparone and Benito Zimbalatti,


We are creating a new Italian Pride Newsletter for 2019 and we need your help to make it a success. We want to fill the pages with photos and stories about you, your fellow members and your families that make you feel Italian Pride. These can be new or old photos taken at The Davedi Club or around the world and any stories or accomplishments that you want to share. Please send your photos and stories to our email address: club@davedi.com, to our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/thedavediclub, or bring them into the office. Thank you for helping us make the Italian Pride Newsletter something we can all be proud of!

Frank Ricciuti,


On behalf of the sports committee, The Scopa tournament was held March 10th. 8 people were in attendance and this year’s champion is Mario Perrotta.

The Davedi 1st Division Men’s soccer team is looking forward to a more competitive push this season. We are in the process of finalizing the team. The initial men’s league meeting is to be held at the end of April to discuss league layout, team costs, and scheduling. We are eager for the snow to melt and get the 2019 season underway. Forza Davedi!

Anthony Nucara,

Ways and Means

We are having our family picnic on Sunday July 21, 2019. More info to come in the future bulletins

Domenic Muratore,


Uccellino venuto dal bosco,
che piangendo fuggivi,
cos’hai visto laggiù?
Ho veduto di sotto gli ulivi,
sanguinare Gesù.
Uccellino venuto dal monte,
che scappavi veloce,
cos’hai visto lassù?
Ho veduto tre uomini in croce,
ed in mezzo c’era Gesù.
Uccellino venuto dal piano,
che cinguetti nel volo,
cos’hai visto laggiù?
Ho veduto dal bianco lenzuolo,
risvegliarsi Gesù.

Thanks to Cathy Fruci, Ladies Auxiliary Culture

Up-coming events at the Davedi Club

  • General Meetings: April 25, May 23, June 27

  • Ladies Auxiliary meetings: May 14, June 11

  • Film series: April 26 7p.m. Free to the community.

  • Mother’s Day Brunch May 12 – reserve your spot (last year was a sell out)

  • Comedian Joe Cacchione: June 1. Dinner and show.
    Tickets $20 from the Davedi Club.

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