November 2019 GENERAL MEETING THURSDAY November 28 2019. Special Spaghetti Supper and General Meeting You are invited to a special spaghetti supper and the General Meeting of the Davedi Club on Nov 28 at 7 p.m. Because there is an important guest speaker, there is no...
October 2019 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING THURSDAY Oct 24 2019. DINNER AT 7:00 $15 for Davedi members, Ladies Auxiliary President’s Message Buon Viaggio to Ladies Auxiliary members on their trip to Sault Sainte Marie for their...
September 2019 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING THURSDAY Sept 26 2019. DINNER AT 7:00 $13 for Davedi members, Ladies Auxiliary President’s Message My Dear Members, A big thank you goes out to Sandro Cipparrone and Angela Johnston and...
June 2019 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING THURSDAY June 27 2019. DINNER AT 7:00 $13 for Davedi members, Ladies Auxiliary President’s Message Our Club was formed to bring together those of Italian ancestry and those whose forefathers...
May 2019 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING THURSDAY May 30 2019. DINNER AT 7:00 $13 for Davedi members, Ladies Auxiliary President’s Message Our Davedi Club is doing very well as a venue for events as attested by many positive comments...
April 2019 GENERAL MEETING THURSDAY APRIL 25 2019. DINNER AT 7:00 $13 for Davedi members, Ladies Auxiliary President’s Message Spring time energy is here again at the club with renovations started to the Culture Room. With a...