January 2019
$13 for Davedi members,
Ladies Auxiliary members
President’s Message
Buon Anno a tutti. 2019 will be an excellent year for the Davedi Club starting with a bang with some great events.
Please support 2 major events which start the year as fundraisers for the Club.
- Order of Merit honours community volunteers Carmen Anello, Louise Defonzo, Peter Handley and Peter Moffat. Heartfelt congratulations to them. The ceremony, which includes dinner, is on Feb 16. Tickets ($60) are selling well and the sponsorship booklet is 90% sold. Thanks to Benito Zimbalatti and his committee.
- Blue Spruce Reunion featuring Paul Pruneau and the Journeymen is on Feb 23 doors open 8 p.m. $25 tickets are very popular so get yours soon. This is a “Joe Pave” fundraiser ….the money raised will go towards extending the paving in the Davedi parking lot. Thanks to the Committee: Vince Orlando chair, Joe Delfino, Dave Zimbalatti, Anthony Nucara and Ed Valenti.
Frozen food sales are going very well this month. As always, thanks to the office for their wonderful organization and support.
Vince Orlando,
Davedi Club President
Ladies Auxiliary
Happy New Year! Felice anno nuovo a tutti! Hope one and all had a merry Christmas. Looking forward I wish everyone a 2019 filled with blessings of joy, peace and love!
Here are the members of the Ladies’ Executive for 2019: President- Nancy Connor, Past President- Lena Fedeli, First Vice- Sylvia Antinozzi Second Vice- Anne Taylor (& Advertising), Secretary- Janet Zimbalatti (&Membership), Treasurer- Christine Saini, Benevolence-Maria Gosselin, Social- Rita Azzano & Sophie Dahiroc, Telephone Committee- Nicolina Mascioli, Pina Celebre, & Anita Bitonti, Pot of Gold- Barbara Castrilli & Murielle Duchesneau.
Mentre comincio l’anno nel mio nuovo ruolo, non vedo l’ora di lavorare insieme, con i membri dell’esecutivo delle signore e i membri in generale, per mantenere il nostro club fiorente e, ancora meglio, fiorente. Sono entusiasta delle possibilità che quest’anno potrebbero portare. Nuove idee e suggerimenti spesso servono a valorizzare qualsiasi club e quindi vi invito a portare la vostra alla nostra attenzione, per iscritto, in modo da poterli discutere e incorporare quando possibile.
Continueremo ad ospitare le solite attività ed eventi come il nostro mensile Spaghetti Suppers, il primo che si terrà il 27 gennaio. Per favore, vieni fuori, porta un amico e goditi un’ottima cena con pasta e polpette!
As I begin the year in my new role I look forward to working together, with the members of the ladies’ executive, and members at large, to keep our club thriving and, better yet, flourishing. I’m excited about the possibilities this year may bring. New ideas and suggestions often serve to enhance any club and so I invite you to bring yours to our attention, in writing, so that we might discuss and incorporate them whenever possible.
We will continue to host the usual activities and events such as our monthly Spaghetti Suppers, the first to take place on January 27th. Please come out, bring a friend, and enjoy a great dinner of pasta and meatballs!
Fino alla prossima volta….buone cose!
Until the next time….good things!.
Nancy Connor,
Ladies Auxiliary President
Davedi Membership fees for calendar year 2019, due now, are:
General Membership $50. Ladies Auxiliary Membership $20.
Fees can be paid at the office or by mail: Davedi Club, 313 Airport Road, North Bay, Ontario P1B8W8.
Joe Delfino, General Membership
Janet Zimbalatti, Ladies Auxiliary Membership
Blue Spruce Reunion featuring Paul Pruneau and the Journeymen is on Feb 23. Tickets $25. Doors open 8 p.m.
Vince Orlando,
Davedi’s VERDI CHOIR Calling all Singers 7 to 107 years!!
Do you like to sing? Are you interested in learning to sing Italian songs with Italian words? Want to sing with other family members and or friends? The Davedi’s VERDI CHOIR is looking for you. We have an intergenerational choir on Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8 pm at the Davedi Club under the direction of Christine Saini. There is no cost involved to join. Call the Davedi Club (705-474-4190) .
Chestnuts and Stories
Feb 1, 7 p.m. in the members’ lounge. Regional folk stories with regional recipes and regional panoramic tours. Roasted chestnuts for all. Film series. Friday nights at 7 p.m. in the members’ lounge. Feb 22,Mar 29, Apr 26, May 31, June 28. Italian language films with English subtitles.
Sandro Cipparone and Benito Zimbalatti,
The Davedi Order of Merit
Presentation Dinner Feb 16, tickets $60.00.
Recognising extraordinary people in education, the arts, science and sports. For dedicated service to the community
Benito Zimbalatti,
On behalf of the sports committee we would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year! We look forward to another exciting year here at the Davedi Club. We have been very proactive and are currently in the process of developing our men’s summer soccer team. We are hoping to finalize and confirm our roster in the next few months.
On Sunday, January 27th we will be hosting the WWE Royal Rumble and are inviting all members to come and watch the PPV at our club. On Sunday, February 3rd we will be having live viewing of the Superbowl and all members and guests are invited to this event! Our annual scopa tournament will also be taking place in the near future! Please stay tuned on our official website and facebook for more information on these events.
Frank Ricciuti and Giuseppe Delfino,
Ways and Means
I would like to thank all the members and their family who attended the CHRISTMAS PARTY. It was well attended. We had 160 adults and 40 children.
We honoured SIX members for their contribution and volunteering to the DAVEDI CLUB : ROSANNA MARCHIONE, LINA PAVONE, and ANITA BITONTI, also
We had a sold out event with 220 guests. It was a great party and the music was great with DJ JOHNNY MILLER. Special thanks to SANDRO CIPPARONE, ANGELA JOHNSTON, CHEF ANDRE GIGUERE and KITCHEN STAFF.
Dominic Muratore,
Anno nuovo, avanti avanti,
ti fan festa tutti quanti,
tu la gioia e la salute porta ai cari genitori,
ai parenti ed agli amici rendi lieti tutti i cuori,
d’esser buono ti prometto, anno nuovo benedetto. di Angiolo Silvio Novaro
La pifamia tutte le feste se li porta via.
Thanks to Cathy Fruci, Ladies Auxiliary Culture
Up-coming events at the Davedi Club
- Mamma Davedi Frozen Food available at the office every day
- January 27 Spaghetti Supper
- January 27 WWE Royal Rumble on TV.
- Feb 1 Chestnuts and stories 7p.m. Free
- Feb 3 Superbow.l Live on TV.
- Feb 16 Davedi Order of Merit $60 cocktails at 5 p.m. Dinner at 6.30 p.m.
- Feb 23 Blue Spruce Reunion $25.00 Doors open 8 p.m.
- Feb 22 Film series starts 7p.m. Free to the community
- General Meetings: Feb 28, March 28, April 25, May 23, June 27
- Ladies Auxiliary meetings Feb 12, March 12, April9, May 14, June 11