Monthly Newsletters


November 2019

GENERAL MEETING THURSDAY November 28 2019. DINNER AT 7:00 $15 for Davedi members, Ladies Auxiliary members 705-474-4190 GENERAL MEETING THURSDAY November 28 2019. Special Spaghetti Supper and General Meeting You are invited to a special spaghetti...

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October 2019

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING THURSDAY Oct 24 2019. DINNER AT 7:00 $15 for Davedi members, Ladies Auxiliary members705-474-4190manager@davedi.comPresident's Message Buon Viaggio to Ladies Auxiliary members on their trip to Sault Sainte Marie for their Northern Ontario...

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September 2019

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING THURSDAY Sept 26 2019. DINNER AT 7:00 $13 for Davedi members, Ladies Auxiliary members705-474-4190manager@davedi.comPresident's Message My Dear Members, A big thank you goes out to Sandro Cipparrone and Angela Johnston and the entire Davedi...

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June 2019

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING THURSDAY June 27 2019. DINNER AT 7:00 $13 for Davedi members, Ladies Auxiliary members705-474-4190manager@davedi.comPresident's Message Our Club was formed to bring together those of Italian ancestry and those whose forefathers chose Canada as...

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May 2019

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING THURSDAY May 30 2019. DINNER AT 7:00 $13 for Davedi members, Ladies Auxiliary members705-474-4190manager@davedi.comPresident's Message Our Davedi Club is doing very well as a venue for events as attested by many positive comments received from...

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April 2019

GENERAL MEETING THURSDAY APRIL 25 2019. DINNER AT 7:00 $13 for Davedi members, Ladies Auxiliary members705-474-4190manager@davedi.comPresident's Message Spring time energy is here again at the club with renovations started to the Culture Room. With a facelift and the...

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March 2019

GENERAL MEETING THURSDAY MARCH 28 2019. DINNER AT 7:00 $13 for Davedi members, Ladies Auxiliary members705-474-4190manager@davedi.comPresident's Message Italian Pride in motion. Yes, the Culture Committee has a full year of Cultural events for us to enjoy. Ways and...

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February 2019

GENERAL MEETING THURSDAY FEBRUARY 28 2019. DINNER AT 7:00 $13 for Davedi members, Ladies Auxiliary members705-474-4190manager@davedi.comPresident's Message Thanks to all who contributed to the great success of the Davedi Order of Merit Dinner and presentation...

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January 2019

 GENERAL MEETING THURSDAY JANUARY 24 2019. DINNER AT 7:00 $13 for Davedi members, Ladies Auxiliary members705-474-4190manager@davedi.comPresident's Message Buon Anno a tutti. 2019 will be an excellent year for the Davedi Club starting with a bang with some great...

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November 2018

GENERAL MEETING THURSDAY November 22 2018. DINNER AT 7:00 $13 for Davedi members, Ladies Auxiliary President's Message My dear members, thanks to all Chairs, Co-chairs and volunteers for fantastic work in the year 2018. Our Club...

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October 2018

 GENERAL MEETING WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 24 2018. DINNER AT 7:00 $13 for Davedi members, Ladies Auxiliary members 705-474-4190 President's Message First and foremost I’d like to welcome the Ladies Auxiliary members back from the NOILA Convention in...

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September 2018

Newsletter   GENERAL MEETING TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 25 2018. DINNER AT 7:00 $13 for Davedi members, Ladies Auxiliary members 705-474-4190 President's Message My Dear Members, We are Italian Pride in Motion. I would like to thank and congratulate...

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