June 2019
THURSDAY June 27 2019.
$13 for Davedi members,
Ladies Auxiliary members
President’s Message
Our Club was formed to bring together those of Italian ancestry and those whose forefathers chose Canada as their adopted land
to preserve our heritage and culture and to share these with all citizens.
And in so doing to create understanding, goodwill and unity.
God Bless.
Vince Orlando
Ladies Auxiliary
On the evening of June 11th our Ladies’ Auxiliary held its pre-summer Dinner Meeting – the theme Flowers & Gardens. Pre dinner liqueur shots, a delicious meal with wine, and a superb strawberry shortcake with ice cream for dessert. Who could ask for more? The ladies took part in fun, yet challenging games, to determine who would win and thus take home a gift for the patio or garden. Levity and laughter rang throughout the hall and a wonderful time was had by all! Thanks to everyone who helped to make this a fun and enjoyable evening! Special thanks to lady members: Sylvia Antinozzi for table decorations, and centrepieces, and for providing us with her special brand of entertainment. She sang, a cappella, a beautiful and nostalgic summertime song for our entertainment.Anne Taylor for organizing and leading the games. Christine Saini for welcoming attendees, collecting and counting money. Louisa Defonzo for organizing transportation and accommodation related to the Soo convention in October.
La sera dell’ 11 giugno, l’Auxiliary delle donne ha tenuto il suo Dinner Meeting pre-estivo – il tema Flowers & Gardens. Scatti di liquore pre-cena, un delizioso pasto con vino e una superba torta alla fragola con gelato per dessert. Chi potrebbe chiedere di più? Le donne hanno preso parte a giochi divertenti ma impegnativi, per determinare chi vincerebbe e portare a casa un regalo per il patio o il giardino. La levità e le risate hanno suonato per tutta la sala e tutti si sono divertiti. Grazie a tutti coloro che hanno contribuito a rendere questa serata divertente e piacevole, e un ringraziamento speciale ai seguenti membri della signora per le ore di volontariato che hanno speso per contribuire ulteriormente a rendere la serata un successo.Sylvia Antinozzi per decorazioni da tavola e centrotavola, e per aver cantato, a cappella, una bellissima e nostalgica canzone estiva per il nostro divertimento.Anne Taylor per l’organizzazione e la conduzione dei giochi.Christine Saini per accogliere i partecipanti, raccogliere e contare i soldi. Louisa Defonzo per l’organizzazione di trasporti e alloggi legati alla convention Soo in ottobre.
Next, I remind you that our final spaghetti supper before the summer break takes place on Sunday, June 23rd. Take a break from cooking, come out and enjoy a great plate of pasta and meatballs! A huge thank you to our patrons for your unwavering support in this endeavour! And of course a huge thank you to the all ladies who volunteer their time either by making meatballs, serving food, setting and clearing tables, making up the take out orders, taking the orders to our patrons in the lobby, kitchen clean up, selling tickets, collecting and counting money, etc. You know who you are and your work is invaluable! Thank you! Vi ricordo che la nostra ultima cena di spaghetti prima della pausa estiva si terrà domenica 23 giugno. Prenditi una pausa dalla cucina, e goditi un ottimo piatto di pasta e polpette! Un enorme ringraziamento ai nostri clienti per il vostro sostegno costante in questo sforzo!E naturalmente un enorme ringraziamento a tutte le donne che offrono volontariamente il loro tempo facendo polpette di carne, servendo cibo, apparecchiando e sgombrando tavoli, componendo gli ordini da prendere, portando gli ordini ai nostri clienti nella hall, pulendo la cucina, vendendo biglietti, raccogliere e contare i soldi, ecc. Sai chi sei e il tuo lavoro è inestimabile! Grazie!
As the summer break fast approaches I wish to extend best wishes to ‘all’ Davedi Club members and patrons for a happy and safe summer break. May your travels, wherever they take you, be memorable, enjoyable, and above all may you return home safely! God bless! Mentre la pausa estiva si avvicina rapidamente, desidero esprimere i migliori auguri a tutti i membri e ai nostri clienti del Club Davedi per una vacanza estiva felice e sicura. Che i vostri viaggi, ovunque vi possano portare, siano memorabili, piacevoli e, al di sopra, che ritornate tutti a casa sani e salvi! Che Dio vi benedica! Ciao e a la prossima!
Nancy Connor
Ladies Auxiliary President
Award Winning Italian movie:
Italian movie June 21 7 p.m. Davedi. Free admission. Malena In Italian with English subtitles. The world was at war, but nothing ever happened in a sleepy village in Sicily. A drama romance about elusive Malena the beautiful young war widow…compassion, courage, independence.
Sandro Cipparone and Benito Zimbalatti,
We are looking for volunteers for our Family Picnic slated for Sunday July 21, as well as able bodies who can assist with the construction of a bocce court leading up to this event. Please contact the office or me directly at 249-358-2387 or josephdelfino14@gmail.com, for more details!
On behalf of the Davedi Club, we’d like to wish all of our members and families a safe and pleasant summer!
Giuseppe Delfino,
Ways and Means
Fun for the whole family starting at 11am, we will have 2 inflatables for the children, live music by Paul Pruneau. Hot dogs, hamburgers, refreshments will be available.
For more information call Dom Muratore at 705-499-2008 or the Davedi Club 705-474-4190.
Domenic Muratore,
Frank Ricciuti & Robert Perrotta
Tickets for this year’s Golf Tournament are selling very quickly and limited spots are available. The tournament is held on Sunday July 14th and tickets are $60. Please contact the front office for further details.
The 1st Division men’s soccer season is well underway and after 4 games, DavediFC is sitting 1st place with 4 wins, 1 tie, and 0 losses.
All games are at Omischl Complex typically on Thursday and some Sunday evenings. We encourage all fans to come out and cheer on DavediFC.
For those that have Instagram and/or Twitter, you can follow @DavediFC for behind the scenes, news, scores, and much more!
To see the full schedule, visit the link below:
Anthony Nucara,
Salve o dolce Vergine, salve o dolce Madre,
In Te esulta tutta la Terra ed i cori degli angeli.
Tempio santo del Signore, gloria delle Vergini,
Tu giardino del Paradiso, soavissimo fiore.
Tu sei trono altissimo, Tu altar purissimo,
in Te esulta, o piena di grazia, tutta la creazione.
Paradiso mistico, fonte sigillata,
il Signore in Te germoglia l’albero della vita.
O Sovrana semplice, o Potente umile,
apri a noi le porte del Cielo, dona a noi la luce.
Mons. Marco Frisina
La gente é il piu grande spettacolo del mondo. E non si paga il biglietto
Thanks to Cathy Fruci, Ladies Auxiliary Culture
Up-coming events at the Davedi Club
- Italian movie June 21
- General Meeting: June 27
- Golf Tournament July 14
- Family Picnic July 21