Ron and Deb Lauziere


Thanks to Ron and Deb Lauziere for being an energetic volunteer team at our Italian/Canadian club, the Davedi.

Terry Talentino approached Ron to be a member when Ron was running Star Trax music and video business, inspiring Ron and Deb to research Italian family connections. Ron’s great-grandfather Angelo Caranci immigrated to America in 1899, passing through Ellis Island 5 minutes before midnight and the start of the 20th century. Angelo eventually arrived penniless in North Bay. Later his wife arrived from Carpinone Italy. Their son Valentino (m. Rheeta Cosgrove) ran a shoe repair business and Ron grew up in this grandfather’s house. Valentino Caranci came up with the idea of the Davedi Club in 1952, along with Carlo Lucenti then Andy and Jimmy Demarco.

With these Italian connections confirmed, Ron and Deb started going to Friday lunches at the Club and met congenial people. Then Deb bought Ron his first membership as a gift.

Deb (Cantin) and Ron lived just around the corner from each other and attended the same schools. In Grade Three he asked her to marry him during “show and tell”, ring in hand from the bubblegum machine. He asked her again at 14 years old and at 16. They got married at 18, still in high school and have built a lasting partnership based on their shared past, a love of life and similar interests.

A mutual interest in music: Ron was a DJ in high school, Deb’s family consists of several musicians. The couple enjoy coming to the musical events at the Davedi.

A shared interest in the local economy: Deb worked at the ONR, Ron ran his own business and community well being is important to them.

Recently Ron and Deb used Italian artifacts from their house to decorate the Club for the Grape Stomping party, with candles in memory of good Italian friends who are no longer with us. They volunteer wherever they see a need… ticket taking at the door for a concert or dinner, hooking up the video/audio system, delivering linens to Happy Jacks, working at the family picnic, participating in the Vendemmia Parade (see picture), sharing their knowledge of Italian movies and music.

And the Davedi Friday lunches? You will see Ron and Deb volunteering at the Club from 11:45 to 1:30 welcoming people to a delicious Italian buffet for $15.00.

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