September 2018
$13 for Davedi members, Ladies Auxiliary members
President’s Message
My Dear Members, We are Italian Pride in Motion. I would like to thank and congratulate everyone involved in contributing, promoting, encouraging and promoting our culture and heritage and sharing it with the community at large. This really shows love, pride and commitment to our forefathers. The picnic in July was a day and evening for children, teenagers and adults. The barbeque and soft drinks were outstanding ……and the price was right!! Thanks to members Gary Eide and Shane White who are always willing to donate to this pillar of the community…the Davedi Club.
October 19 is our famous Grape Stomping celebration. I personally have sold 149 tickets already. If you don’t want to miss it, get your tickets now. It promises to be an evening of Culture in Motion. Chi dorme non prende pesce. Saluti a tutti.
Vince Orlando,
Davedi Club President
Ladies Auxiliary
I hope you all had a happy and healthy summer. There were many activities going on at our club this past season, thanks to the work and attention of a loyal few. I hope some of you took advantage of these opportunities to come and enjoy the events.
Our Northern Ontario Italian Ladies Auxiliary Convention in Timmins is fast approaching. Louise Defonzo has been very busy co-ordinating all aspects of our trip. Thanks Louise.
We are looking forward to a busy fall with our craft show coming up followed by our Christmas Bake Sale as well as Grape Stomping Please co-operate in giving a helping hand to those who so generously chair these events and ensure success
for our club.
Please keep in mind and think seriously about participating in our elections
coming up in October.
Now for a bit of humour:
A Sunday school teacher began her lesson with a question.
“Boys and girls, what do we know about God?”
A hand shot up into the air. “He is an artist,” said the kindergarten boy.
“Really? How do you know?” asked the teacher.
“You know- Our Father who does art in Heaven….”
Lena Fedeli,
Ways and Means
Annual Grape Stomping Celebration 2018
Join our Annual Grape Stomping Celebration on Friday Oct 19th at the Davedi
Club. Following our famous buffet style dinner enjoy a traditional Italian parade,
join us on stage to try stomping the grapes and dance the night away. Tickets are
$35.00 from the office.
Nomination Night. If you are a Regular Member or Honorary Life Member, please
consider letting your name stand for the Davedi Board at the October General
meeting. Elections will be at the November General Meeting.
Family Picnic. Thanks to all the many, many volunteers for this event in August.
The weather did not cooperate, but those who came had fun outside and inside
the hall.
Dominic Muratore,
September Swing
Show off your fancy footwork at the Davedi Club! Friday, September 28th,
featuring an Italian meal at 6:30 followed by live music by Twilight. Sit back
for some easy listening or get up and dance along to their standards, light
jazz, Latin, and ballads with an Italian twist. Tickets are $30 dollars.
Sandro Cipparone and Benito Zimbalatti,
Club’s First Division soccer team.
The 2018 season was a year of team building which saw the group improve with
each game. The 1st Division season ended in a hard fought semi-final game
versus an experienced and skilled team. The Club will look to pick up where it left
off, with continued improvement and success in the summer of 2019.
We would like to thank our supporters who came out to cheer us on, every
game! A special thanks goes out to our gracious sponsors: Davedi Club and
Northern Airport Passenger Service.
Forza Davedi.
Frank Ricciuti and Giuseppe Delfino,
Le quarto Sorelle – par Edvige Pesce Gorini
Andavano unite le quattro sorelle
corona di fiori corona di stelle!
La prima era cinta nel vivido sole,
di rondini brune, di gaie vïole.
Un’altra portava tra spighe lucenti,
allegre cicale, con grilli stridenti.
Festosa la terza veniva adornata
di pampini e grappoli d’uva dorata.
La quarta di un candido manto coperta,
d’uliva e castagne recava l’offerta.
E ancor vanno unite, le quattro sorelle,
corona di fiori, corona di stelle!
Amor, ch’a nullo amato amar perdona.
Dante Alighieri
Thanks to Cathy Fruci, Ladies Auxiliary Culture
Thanks to Adriano Santarossa for beautifying the Davedi Club with
magnificent flower beds.
Up-coming events at the Davedi Club
Mamma Davedi Frozen Food available at the office every day
September 23 Spaghetti Supper
September 25 (Tuesday) General Meeting
September 28 “September Swing” $30.00
October 9 Ladies Auxiliary meeting
October 13 Denim & Dimonds Women’s Gala Nipissing Serenity Hospice $100.00
October 19 Grape Stomping $35.00
October 24 (Wednesday) General Meeting, Nomination Night
October 27, Davedi Halloween Party $35.00
October 28 Spaghetti Supper
November 3 & 4 30th Annual Artisan’s Craft Show
November 13 Ladies Auxiliary Meeting
November 23 Christmas Dinner and show with Natalie Aquino $40.00
November 22 General meeting, Elections
November 25 Spaghetti Supper
November 26 Old time Christmas – Scott Woods & his band
December 2 Ladies Auxiliary Bake Sale
December 11 Ladies Auxiliary Christmas Party
December 16 Family Christmas Party
December 31 New Years Eve Dance $60.00
Davedi Club 313 Airport Road North Bay
Friday September 28 2018
Italian Meal at 6.30 p.m
Dancing from 7.30 p.m.
For Italian meal tickets $30 call Davedi Club at 705-474-4190.
A limited number of complementary tickets for dancing alone
are available from the Club.
“Twilight” is a four piece band playing standards, light jazz,
latin and ballads with an Italian twist.